Organizing, Beautifying, and Disneyfing Life


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Does it bother you?

Good Morning!!!

Does it bother anyone else when they see 11 or 12 year olds, yes, 6TH GRADERS, walking around the mall in full blown makeup, Iphone, and boyfriend??? It bothers me a lot! Hon, you can't even drive yet, your parents drive you to the movies and you sit and, as you call it "make out". Do you even know what that word means? What parent is okay with letting their 12 year old kiss a boy???

When I was starting 6th grade I was into those rubber bands that were shapes of animals or items.  I wanted to be a doctor and carried a mini first aid kit with me wherever I went. Can we just stop and think about that???

My little sister is going into her 8th grade year. She told me this morning that there are very few people in her grade who are not inappropriate, who do not curse, and who do not wear tons of make up and like to "make out". WHAT HAS THIS COME TO!!! YOU ARE 11 OR 12 YEARS OLD NOT 21!!!!

Do these kids even know what love is? Nope!
Do they understand that going to the movies is not a date? You sit there in the dark for 2 hours and don't talk??? Nope!

Love and dating is something that is very fragile in life. Your heart will be broken, and you will want to just date someone because you think they are nice looking, and then you realize that they are jerks. But here lays the problem. Love comes in time. Dating takes awhile, not a few weeks. These 6th graders want to grow up too fast. I mean sure, I want to grow up too... but I know that I should treasure ,y time in high school, because I will want it back soon enough. I have not had a boyfriend, nor have I kissed anyone. I have not been in love. I am fine with that. Sure, there are those days that I wish I had someone's shoulder to cry into... but then I realize: I have my best friends Emily, Tess, and Naomi, I have two amazing sisters, and I have my parents! Who needs a boyfriend!!!

So, if you agree with me, that the young kids are trying to grow up too fast, or they are annoying the crap out of you because they claim they "made out with someone last night", comment below and make a change! The next time you see a middle schooler with too much makeup and not enough self esteem or childhood tell them! Walk up to them and tell them to cherish their childhood and go have fun playing with bubbles and silly string!!!

That's all for now!


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